If you wish to repair or replace your device, please send it to the address below.
Please use either Sagawa Express or Yamato Transport.
Note: While we generally request customers to cover shipping costs, please follow our instructions if we provide specific guidance.
16F Tradepia Odaiba, 2-3-1 Daiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Furthermore, if you happen to have the cardboard box it was originally shipped in, we kindly ask you to place the MOTHER unit and starter inside the cylindrical packaging when sending.
In case you've already discarded the cardboard box or cylindrical packaging, please wrap the items in a way that prevents damage, using packaging air bags or alike, before sending.
Additionally, please note that there is a possibility we may need to reset the device for inspection purposes. Resetting will delete any data stored on the MOTHER before last sync.
Data reflected in the app will remain unaffected.