Activity mode allows you to choose the activity you want to track, including walking, running, or interval training. It records your step count, calories burned, and heart rate during exercise.
In normal mode, heart rate is measured every ten minutes for one minute. However, in activity mode, heart rate is measured every second.
How to Activate Activity Mode:
① Through the app.
Tap 'Activity' and choose the activity you wish to record from walking, running, or interval training.
After setting your goals under 'Change', tap 'GO'. The activity will enter a pending state, and the LED on the device will flash pink and green repeatedly.
Once in the pending state, press the device's side button once. The LED will blink red, yellow, green, and the activity will start.
② Through the device:
Press the device's side button twice to put the default activity (Walking) into a pending state, with the LED flashing pink and green repeatedly.
Once in the pending state, press the device's side button once. The LED will blink red, yellow, and green, and the activity will start.
You can set the activity goals through the app.
How to End an Activity:
Press the device's side button once to finish the activity mode. The LED will flash green, yellow, and red, and the device will vibrate.
After finishing the activity, the app will automatically switch to the activity summary page.
If you set a goal, MOTHER will notify the goal achievement with a vibration. Please note that sync is not available during the activity mode.